Glamour, glitter and gruesomeness – The problems with the fashion industry

Away from the catwalks, behind closed doors, at photo shoots and yet known by everyone. Sexual abuse is rampant in the fashion industry, even expected when working with some notorious individuals. TIMES CHANGE, CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT In an interview with Der Spiegel, Wolfgang Joop described misogyny, the abuse of power and the sexual exploitation of

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How language trivialises violence against women

How is violence against women reported in the media and how do these reports influence our thinking? For years, German language researchers investigating violence have warned against the use of “domestic abuse” (“Beziehungsdrama”), “family tragedy” (“Familientragödie”) and similar terms. Murder is murder and not a “domestic abuse” and rape is not a “sexual violence” –

How language trivialises violence against women Read More »