How art and culture can influence human trafficking
Human trafficking is a global problem affecting millions of people. Art and culture can play a transformative role in creating awareness, however, providing support and initiating social change. This article highlights just how creative projects and artistic approaches can help fight human trafficking and support its victims.
Education through art: making human trafficking visible

Art and culture have the potential to take issues such as human trafficking out of the shadows and communicate them in an emotionally engaging way. Theatre performances, films, literary works and visual art projects create platforms which make it possible to tell the stories of those affected and show the complexity of the issue. Research by the Heinrich Böll Foundation shows that one crucial lever lies in its ability to steer public focus towards the experiences and needs of victims. Works of art placing the stories of the people affected centre-stage can contribute to arousing empathy and breaking down prejudice. One example of such projects are art campaigns in which survivors of human trafficking are actively integrated into the creative process. As they are given the opportunity to express their experiences through art, those victims’ voice is heard, and their perspective made visible. This doesn’t merely sensitise the public to the issue, but also offers those directly affected an opportunity for self-empowerment.
Artistic NFTs: a symbiosis of technology and help
Alongside more traditional artistic approaches, technological innovations such as blockchain and NFTs provide a new means of working to defeat human trafficking. “NFTs” (an acronym for “Non-Fungible Tokens”) are sold to collect funds for organisations such as those supporting victims of human trafficking. They are an example of how modern technologies can play an important role as part of the art movement. In 2021, three female artists started up an NFT project which supported our Austrian organisation, Hope for the Future. In the project, embroidery artworks were digitised, connecting art and technology. NFTs don’t just generate revenue, however; they also focus attention on the problem. Projects of this sort demonstrate how new technologies in art can offer innovative solutions to complex social problems.
Creating awareness through cultural projects

As well as technological approaches, artists in Austrian communities are working to combat human trafficking by putting on plays, creating awareness and focussing attention on the problem. One example is a play staging the experiences of victims and creating empathy and pressure for action amongst the public at large. In 2020, on the Day against Human Trafficking, the play “Menschenwürde, du spielst eine Rolle” (“Human Dignity, You Play a Role”) was performed in Linz. The play also received political support from Federal President Van der Bellen, attracting a huge amount of attention. The net proceeds from the event went to the SOLWODI association, which works to help women in distress. Projects such as these don’t merely increase awareness of the issue; they also support direct aid measures.
Exhibitions – a voice for the voiceless
Exhibitions of art are another example of how awareness can be created. One of these is the exhibition “I Am Her Voice” in Hamburg, which has acted as an impressive signal against violence and human trafficking. Portraits of women impacted by violence were shown in an effort to raise awareness and provide victims with a platform. Exhibitions of this kind don’t merely create attention, however; they also support dialogue about possible solutions.
Community-building and integration through art
Art projects of this kind also support community-building and integration. Victims of human trafficking often find themselves socially isolated and ostracised. Art projects which are organised communally can help break down this exclusion and integrate those affected into society. At the same time, such initiatives can support social cohesion and break down prejudices in the broader community. As the Heinrich Böll Foundation emphasises, it is particularly important that these projects are designed to be inclusive and diverse. Workshops or communal art projects bringing together migrants, refugees and local people offer a platform for dialogue and understanding. Over the long term, this can contribute to reducing vulnerability to exploitation.
Therapy through artistic expression
Art also offers an opportunity for many victims of human trafficking to overcome traumas. Creative therapies such as painting, music and dance strengthen self-confidence and help people process traumatic experiences. These approaches don’t merely support healing, but also make it possible for the people affected to tell their stories in a powerful way.
Conclusion: art as an engine for change
Art and culture have the power to make issues such as human trafficking more visible and create platforms for dialogue and change. By doing this, artistic and cultural activities offer wide-ranging approaches to beat human trafficking. Whether it be through NFTs, theatre performances, exhibitions or creative therapies, such approaches create awareness, support victims and support social change. Linking creativity and technology opens up new opportunities to address this global problem.
Translated by Tim Lywood
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